Nicolas Provost - 1 -
The works of Nicolas Provost can be seen as cinematic experiences as much as they are audiovisual paintings. They intend to walk on the fine line between dualities and balance between the grotesque and the moving, beauty and cruelty, the emotional and the intellectual, between cinema and fine arts. Time and again his phantasmagorias provoke both recognition and alienation and succeed in catching our expectations into an unravelling game of mystery ans abstraction forcing the viewer to reflect on the fenomenon of the audiovisual. With manipulations of time, codes and form, cinematographic and narrative language is analysed, accents are shifted and new stories are told. Apart from the use of film and visual language, sound is also a constant factor in provost's body of work, as a rhythmical spine or an emotional guideline.

Dario Oiveira, Nuno Rodrigues
Organization and production
Curtas Metragens CRL
Production team
Davide Freitas, Jorge Barbosa, Pedro Cardoso
Sponsoring in communication and press
Hugo Ramos, Raquel Moreira
Carolina Medeiros
Adriana Rodrigues, Sofia Reis
Graphic design
R2 design
High sponsorship
Câmara Municipal de Vila do Conde
Ministério da Cultura
Direcção-Geral das Artes
Instituto Português da Juventude

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Financial Structure
Câmara Municipal de Vila do Conde
RP Cultura

Solar - Galeria de Arte Cinemática is part of RPAC - Portuguese Network of Contemporary Art

Cor de Fundo do Site

Rua do Lidador, 139

4480-791 Vila do Conde

Rua do Lidador, 139

4480-791 Vila do Conde


Monday to Saturday

2:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Closed on Sunday

Monday to Saturday

2:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Closed on Sunday


Gallery: solar@curtas.pt

Educational Service: s.educativo@curtas.pt

Press: press@curtas.pt

Office: 252 646 516

Curtas Store: 252 138 191

Gallery: solar@curtas.pt

Educational Service: s.educativo@curtas.pt

Press: press@curtas.pt

Office: 252 646 516

Curtas Store: 252 138 191

Website desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile